Thursday, January 12, 2012

alexander wang, really??

if i hadn't lived in nyc in one of the "most brutal" winters they'd recorded in history, i would've thought these glasses ridiculous. 

dude they totally are...

but WHO CARES! they're RAD!!! :D

...and they're on sale! only 400 bones! woohoo! ... (O.o) yeahhh right...! if i was in ny, maybe i could justify it. >.<

love it.

Friday, January 6, 2012

girl with the dragon tattoo

rooney mara epitomizes the perfect muse. 

let's take a look at her evolution....

i love these following shots. they immortalize her beauty. kudos to the genius that's pat mcgrath for inspiring a look that seems to have quickly become consecrated into fashion royalty.
this series was shot by mert & marcus. <3